The Lake George Music Festival, Inc. is a publicly supported 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization devoted to enhancing the cultural vitality of the Lake George region and offering a unique career development experience to talented young musicians.
Equally important as financial giving, these ‘In-Kind’ donations also make a huge impact. We recognize our valued supporters here and in all printed concert programs.

Donations to the LGMF Annual Fund go directly to supporting the annual operating expenses of the organization—musician stipends, guest artist fees, tech and stage crew stipends, etc.
Donors may also designate the use of their donations to a particular festival project. Some examples include: sponsoring a specific musician, guest artist, commission, concert or reception, giving directly to the festival’s endowment, or supporting our upcoming capital campaign.
To learn more about giving to the LGMF Annual Fund, as well as the planned giving options listed below please contact Alexander Lombard.
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Season sponsorship opportunities with exclusive naming rights on festival venues
Opportunity to sponsor an orchestra or opera commission and follow its evolution to premiere
Additional benefits commensurate with donor request; plus
What you could give towards:
Commission a full orchestra or opera piece (and work closely with the festival artistic team during the evolution of the piece)
Invitation to private special events
Sponsorship of a headlining musician or ensemble
Guided backstage tour for up to 5 guests
Private performance and dinner with Festival directors; plus
What you could give towards:
Commission a chamber music or orchestra piece (decided upon discussing with Artistic Director and Music Director)
Invitation to Platinum sponsor only special events
Highest priority seating for all programs
Sponsorship of a season soloist; plus
What you could give towards:
Commissioning a solo piece (decided upon discussing with the Artistic Director)
Sponsorship of major artist, ensemble, or composer
Lunch with your sponsored participant
Invitation to a private orchestra dress rehearsal
VIP assistance with ticketing and lodging
preferred parking at all events
Verbal recognition at select events; plus
What you could give towards:
Covering the cost of producing a festival audio CD
Covering the cost to bring an ensemble to the festival
Covering the cost of all musicians to attend a dinner cruise aboard the Lac du Saint Sacrement
Concert dedicated to you or in honor of a person of your choosing
Reserved seating at your sponsored performance for you and your guests
Up to 2 complimentary tickets to your sponsored concert
Verbal recognition from the concert stage; plus
What you could give towards:
The rental fee for a performance venue
Sponsorship of a festival intern’s stipend and meals
Covering the cost of a rental car for 4 musicians (housed together)
Covering the cost of a hotel room for two weeks for two musicians
Invitation to a private pre-Festival concert and cocktail hour with selected musicians and directors (if available)
1 complimentary festival season pass; plus
What you could give towards:
Funds at this level could support one member of an ensemble’s travel stipend
Or, could help cover the cost of purchasing and printing music
*All HOST FAMILIES are offered Gold Sponsored benefits*
Sponsorship of a fellowship student
Lunch with your adopted musician; plus
What you could give towards:
Funds at this level could support a full travel stipend for a participating musician (typically $300)
Invitation to a private donor only event; plus
What you could give towards:
Additional travel funds for musicians traveling with large instruments
Donors only electronic newsletter
Complimentary LGMF souvenir; plus
What you could give towards:
Daily lunch for one musician for two weeks
Published recognition on the Festival’s website and printed concert programs
Advance notification of Festival news and events
Our most sincere thanks!
What you could give towards:
Funding for one dinner cruise ticket for one musician on our annual festival boat cruise!
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Make an irrevocable gift to a fund maintained by a charitable organization and enjoy an income tax charitable deduction for the full amount of the gift. As the name implies, the donor can advise the fund regarding distribution; however, donors may not place material restrictions on the fund.
Donate a home and retain the right to live in the property for the rest of your life. Enjoy a current income tax charitable deduction on the value of our remainder interest in the home.
Create a charitable lead trust that benefits us for a number of years, returns assets to your beneficiaries, and minimizes taxes.
Simply make us the beneficiary of a paid-up life insurance policy. Or, use life insurance to replace assets your heirs would have otherwise inherited in the absence of your charitable gift. With wealth replacement, you realize important philanthropic goals during your life and provide for your heirs at your death.
Completely flexible gifts you can change or revoke whenever or however you choose.
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Establish a gift in your will that reflects your most personal and important lifetime concerns. Bequests are among the most popular and widely used planned gifts because a bequest can be changed, costs you nothing as long as you live, and provides an estate tax deduction equal to the value of gifts to charity.
Create a trust that can be revoked or changed during your lifetime which directs the disposition of your assets including charitable gifts. A Revocable Living Trust can minimize the cost and delays associated with probate; facilitate asset transfer; provide privacy and, unlike a will, assure asset management continuity in the event of disability or death.
Add a charitable beneficiary designation to your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified retirement accounts. You can use a retirement plan to realize philanthropic goals and avoid income tax on plan assets.
Secure the future of the festival by becoming a member of the Jonah Berman & Joan Levine Legacy Society.
The Jonah Berman & Joan Levine Legacy Society is a forward-thinking group of Festival supporters who have declared their intent to remember the Festival through a will, trust, or other planned gift. This Society provides a way for the Festival to recognize these donors during their lifetimes and ensure that their wishes are correctly understood and documented. Members of the Society don’t all have large incomes or vast estates, but they all share a belief that the arts hold tremendous value in Lake George.
There are many types of planned gifts you can make to the Festival, from naming us in your will, to giving stock, to designating us as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or IRA. You may choose to give anonymously or allow us to make your membership in the Society known; which may serve as inspiration to others, helping your gift do more.
The Society is named after two of the Festival’s earliest supporters whose many generous gifts have helped build a secure foundation for the future growth of the Lake George Music Festival.
Options for planned giving are listed below. All it takes is your commitment. No gifts need to be made to the Festival now. All you need to do is inform us of your plans so we may honor you with membership. To declare intent or to learn more please call Alexander Lombard at 518-791-5089.
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Donate cash or securities in exchange for fixed annuity payments. Enjoy a current income tax deduction for the gift and tax-free return of principal. Also, when the donor is the annuitant, any capital gains tax due is spread over the donor’s lifetime.
Create a trust that pays a specific annual benefit for up to 20 years or for the life of the beneficiary(ies). When the donor payout ends, trust property transfers to us. Enjoy a current income tax charitable deduction and avoid immediate capital gains tax on the transfer when the trust is funded with long-term appreciated property.
Create a trust that pays annual payments to the beneficiary(ies) equal to a specified percentage of the value of the trust each year. Since the value of trust assets may vary, payments may also vary from year to year. When the donor payout ends, the trust assets are distributed to us. In addition to income from the trust, you also are entitled to a charitable income tax deduction for the value of our remainder interest in the trust assets.
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Write a check or use your credit card. Cash is easy to give and you’re entitled to an income tax deduction for the full amount of the gift.
Patrons have the option to become ‘Sustaining Supporters.’ These donors will make their contribution in monthly installments. The total yearly contribution will be reflected wherever recognition is announced.
Many corporations will match employee donations to charitable organizations such as the Lake George Music Festival. These matching-gift programs are a wonderful way to increase your level of support.
Special gifts are a fantastic way to express your regard while also helping the Festival. Donations can be made in the name of a loved one, a friendship, a family, a birthday, wedding, or graduation. Acknowledgment of special gifts will be sent to the recipient, to you, and will be posted on this website and in all concerts programs as requested.
Transfer appreciated assets (stocks, bonds) held for more than one year to us and enjoy an income tax charitable deduction for the full market value. No capital gains tax is due on the appreciated value.
Donate closely held stock. Restricted stock can be repurchased by the corporation later. You enjoy a charitable deduction equal to the appraised value of the stock with no capital gains tax due.
Donate gift property that can be used for our exempt purposes, and enjoy an income tax deduction for the full fair market value.
The “IRA Charitable Rollover” is an attractive option for IRA owners who have reached age 70½. Ordinarily, an IRA owner must report withdrawals as income and pay income tax on them. The charitable IRA rollover provisions allow IRA owners over age 70 ½ to direct gifts from their IRAs to qualified charities—gifts that would count toward the IRA owner’s minimum distribution requirement (MRD) and not be reportable as taxable income (up to $100,000). Direct gifts to charity from the IRA will not qualify for an income tax charitable deduction – resulting in a tax break for those who do not itemize deductions and for those whose charitable gifts may exceed the deduction limits.